The fourth dimension


“ Mr. C. H. Hinton discusses the subject of the higher dimensionality of space, his aim being to avoid mathematical subtleties and technicalities, and thus enable his argument to be followed by readers who are not sufficiently conversant with mathematics to follow these processes of reasoning.”Norts GUARDIAN. :

“The fourth dimension is a subject which has had a great fascination for many teachers, and though one cannot pretend to have quite grasped Mr. Hinton’s conceptions and arguments, yet it must be admitted that he reveals the elusive idea in quite a fascinating light. Quite apart from the main thesis of the book many chapters are of great independent interest. Altogether an interesting, clever and ingenious book.” —DUNDEE COURIER.

“ The book will well repay the study of men who like to exercise their wits upon the problems of abstract thought.” ScOTSMAN.

“ Professor Hinton has done well to attempt a treatise of moderate size, which shall at once be clear in method and free from technicalities of the schools." —Patt Matt GAZETTE.

‘4 very interesting book he has made of it.” PUBLISHERS’ CIRCULAR.

“ Mr. Hinton tries to explain the theory of the fourth dimension so that the ordinary reasoning mind can get a grasp of what metaphysical mathematicians mean by it. If he is not altogether successful it is not from want of clearness on his part, but because the whole theory comes as such an absolute shock to all one’s preconceived ideas.” —BRISTOL T1MEs.

“ Mr. Hinton’s enthusiasm is only the result of an exhaustive study, which has enabled him to set his subject before the reader with far more than the amount of lucidity to which it is accustomed.” —PALL Matt GazeTTE.

“ The book throughout is a very solid piece of reasoning in the domain of higher mathematics.” —GuLascow HERALD.

“Those who wish to grasp the meaning of this somewhat difficult subject would do well to read The Fourth Dimension. Wo mathematical knowledge is demanded of the reader, and any one, who is not afraid of a little hard thinking, should be able to follow the argument.”—Licut.

“4 splendidly clear re-statement of the old problem of the fourth dimension. All who are interested in this subject will find the work not only fascinating, but lucid, it being written in a style easily understandable. The illustrations make still more clear the letterpress, and the whole is most admirably adapted to the requirements of the novice or the student."—Two WORLDS.

“Those in search of mental gymnastics will find abundance of exercise in Mr. @. H. Hinton’s Fourth Dimension.” —WESIMINSTER REVIEW.

First Eprtton, April 1904; Seconp Eprtion, May 1906; Reprinted, January 1912; Reprinted, May 1921.