The great pyramid passages and chambers



Tents at the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. Wednesday, 14th July, 1909.

DEAR BRETHREN,—AIl day we have been busy taking photographs, first of the tents and surroundings, and then inside the Great Pyramid by flashlight. Of the former, two were taken with the camera pointing out of my bedroom tent doors, one of which opens to the east, and the other to the north-west. In the eastward view (Plate CX1), the north-east corner of the Great Pyramid appears on the right; and well in front, on the edge of the pyramid plateau, is Mr. Covington’s square tent. The low flat-roofed building beyond this is the Viceroy’s residence during the season. Down in the sandy plain below, a few of the houses of the Arab village are discernible.

472 In the north-west view (Plate CXIV), a part of Mena House Hotel can be seen on the right-hand corner, while on the sand-hills above are a few small buildings connected with the hotel. The tents beside these outhouses belong to people whose businesses are in Cairo, and who come out here to lodge for the night and enjoy the cool, fresh night-air of the desert. Only those who, like ourselves, have work at the pyramids or tombs, are permitted to erect tents on the pyramid plateau.

473 After taking these and a few other photographs, we journeyed over to the sand-hills above the hotel, and

A group of ourselves with our Arab attendants, secured several views of the Great at the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.

Pyramid from these heights. One of them (Plate CXIII) was taken with a long-focus lens, and shows only part of the huge bulk of the Pyramid, and our tents in front.