The great pyramid passages and chambers

Abraham, accounted righteous, 51, God's promise to, 30, 34. intercedes for Sodom, 39. strong in faith, 56, 163. true seed of, 43, 44, 57. when rewarded, 57.

Absalom, 399.

Abu Roash Pyr., 254.

Abusir Pyr., 512.

Aceldama, 397, 398.

Adam, 44, 48, 70. curse passed upon, 147. dead in, 193. had God's law written on his heart,

150. hope given to, 33. trial of, 32. was mortal, 132. wilfully broke God's law, 125. will eventually be raised, 125.

Adamic Condemnation, 123, 147. all Gentiles born under, 182. fallen from world’s shoulders, 175. followers of Christ free from, 191.

Advent, second, 69.

Ages to come, 70.

Air-channels of King’s Ch., 342-348. of King’s and Queen's Chs., 141—

143. mouth of King’s Ch's. north, 498. mouth of King’s Ch’s. south, 497. of Queen’s Ch., 349, 593-595.

Air-current, down well-shaft, 431.

through passages of Gt. Pyr., 319323. through south air-channel of King’s Ch., 322, 343, 497.

up First Ascen. Pass. 430.

Aiton and Inglis, 82.

Alabaster, 509.

Alexandria, 253.

Ali Gabri (Alee Dobree), 222, 600. Hadji, 222, 229, 244, 301, 328.

Al Mamoun, discovered Ascending

Passages in Gt. Pyr., 97, 98, 313.

Entrance of Gt. Pyr. unknown to, 231.

forced concealing block from lower end of Well, 313.

forced hole in side of Desc. Pass., 95, 164, 328, 331.

forced passage into Gt. Pyr., 96-98, 100, 124, 328, 334.

position of entrance of forced passage of, 229.

Almighty, 194.

Altar, 447,

American Colony, 373, 419.

Ancient worthies, 52.

Angels, 151, 156.

Angle of passages in Gt. Pyr., 384.

Angle-stones above Entrance of Gt.

Pyr., 229, 527.

Annie Edgar, 210.

Anointed, 43, 54, 156.

Ante-chamber, 103, 107.


Ante-chamber (continued), Caviglia’s excavation in west wall of, 345, 474, 477. description of, 190, 475-492. dimensions of, 481. symbolisms of, 190-194. symbolizes School of Christ, 121. symbolizes the spirit-begotten, 178. theory regarding grooves in, 483488, 561, 562. Apostles, twelve, 80. Arabs, attendant, 103, 109. burying-ground of, near “ Well of sweet water,” 521. kept off by Judah, 324, 325. sure to have trouble with, 220, 234, untruthful, 438. village of, 221, 234, 439, 440,471,524. women of, 436. Arabic, 364. Archangel, 448. Architect of Plan of the Ages, 72, 76, 141. Artaxerxes, 39. Atmosphere of Egypt, 259, 280, 326, 336, Atonement, 163. Authors, joint-, 9, 214.

Babylon, 155-157. Babylon the Great, 83, 158. Backsliders, 204, 581. Basalt, 518. Base of Gt. Pyr., length, 15, 21. Basement sheet of Desc. Pass, 337. Baths, 509. Bats, 247, 309. Belzoni, M., 250. Benha, 269. Bethany, 453. Bethlehem, birth-place of Jesus, 380. distance from Jerusalem to, 379. drive to, 376. geographical position of, nofe p. 199,

has direct connection with Gt. Pyr. of Gizeh, 381-385.

women of, 377.

Bill Grundy, 593.

Birth of Jesus, 118, 126, 127.

Birthday, 366.

Blind, 358.

Bone, Mr. Muirhead, note p. 289.

Boss on Granite Leaf, 489 490.

Bottle, in Mosque of Omar, 448,

Bottomless Pit, 145.

Breasted, Prof., 225.

Breeze (See Wind).

Bride of Christ, 59, 63.

Brown, Canon Carnegie, 374, 424.

Builders, of Antitypical Pyr., 76-79, 149. of Gt. Pyr., 4-6. of other Pyrs., 514.

Bulls, embalmed, 507, 508.

Burdens, 355, 356.

Burns family, 215.

Cairo, air in, 246. journey from Port Said to, 218, 219, 265. Journey from Pyrs. to, to meet John and Stanley, 261. Caliphs of Egypt (See Al Mamoun), 84.

Calvary, 363, 446. Calvin, 29, 30. Camel, 355, 598. Camera, 496. Campbell's Tomb, 298. Canaan, symbolizes heaven, 383, 457. Canal, Suez, 218. at sides of fields, 218. Candles, 341, 426, 509, 566. Casing-stones, of Great Pyramid. cement used in joints of, 85- 87, 504 composed of limestone from Mokattam Hills, 245. cubical contents and weight of largest of, 260. formerly entirely covered with, 84, 223, 504. illustrated by Prof. Breasted, 225. joints of, 85, 86, 260, 274, 504. measurements of, 260. nineteen exposed at north base of, 273. other casing-stones of, found by Prof. Petrie, 275. photographing, 225. planned before built in position, 74. Prof. Petrie on, 74, 86, 225, 226, 504. shown to Jack, 425. symbolize members of Christ, 276, 386. uncovered by Col. Howard Vyse, 85, 223-226. when uncovered, 84, 99. of Sakkara Pyramid, 515, 516. of Second Pyramid, 248. of Third Pyramid, 254, 255. Catholics, 362. Causeway, 519. Cave, under Church of Nativity, 380. under Mosque of Omar, 448. Caviglia, M., attempts to clear Wellshaft, 543, 544. discovers granite block in Wellshaft, 558. excavating along course of King’s Ch. air-channel, 345, 474, 477. suggested that fissures in Desc. Pass. and Well-shaft are continuous, 570. work in Desc. Pass., 241, 242, 544, Cavity, Al Mamoun’'s, 95, 100. Ceiling of :Ante-Ch., 191, 194, 479. Desc. Pass., 284, 332, 337. First Ascen. Pass., 468. Gr, Gallery, 103, 180, 185.