The great pyramid passages and chambers

Ceiling of (continued) :—

Grotto, 541.

Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 176.

King’s Ch., 108, 110, 114, 115.

little pass. from Desc. Pass. to

Well-shaft, 314. little pass. from Gr. Gallery to Well-shaft, 533.

little south pass.from Subt. Ch.,307.

Recess, 303.

Subterranean Ch., 145, 294, 308. Cement, 85-87, 275, 338, 504, 596. Chaff, symbolical, 68.

Chambers of Construction, 74.

discovery and description of, 109-

15: not intended to be visited, 117. symbolize Divine things or beings, 135. Chambers, direction of, in Gt. Pyr., 116. none in masonry of other Pyrs., 252, 514. Charcoal, 274. Chart Talk, 221. Cheops, 3, 297, 298. Christ, appeared in presence of God for us, 200. a stumbling-stone, 75-79. Bride of, 59, 63. casing-stones of Gt. Pyr. symbolize members of body of, 276.

date of death of, indicated by north wall of Gr. Gallery, 127.

dead in, 193,

end of Law and beginning of Gospel Disp., marked by death of, 127, 184.

end of the Law for righteousness, 180, 201.

faithful Jews privileged to suffer and die with, 170.

Gentiles made nigh by the blood of, 182.

gives his flesh for the life of the world, 54. Head corner-stone, 72, 81, 149, 275. immersed by John the Baptist, 54. immersed into, 43, 193. joint-heirship with, 188, 209, kept the Law of God, 125. love unites members of, 275. many members in, 43, 44, 193, merit of, imputed to footstep followers of, 191,

mind of, 194,

other foundation can no man lay, 207.

raised from the death-state, 125, 169,

ransom - sacrifice of, symbolized by Well, 124, 181-184, p. 90.

received by few Jews, 181,

reign with, 1000 years, 196.

resurrection of, suggested by Well-

mouth, 118, 169, rule of, an iron one, 176.


Christ (continued),

symbolized by top-stone of Gt. Pyr., 23. the fore-runner, 52. the Seed of Abraham, 41. those who will attain the heavenly inheritance with, 189. world not heard of him, 42. written in the hearts of the followers of the Master, 158. Christian religion, 362. Christendom to be destroyed, 68, 79, 83. Chronology of the Bible, 593. Church glorified, 163. nominal, 59, 158. of the Holy Sepulchre, 361-363. of the Nativity, 379, 380, note p- 199. Clouds, 246, 574, 428. Coffer, 108, 483, 493, 498, 500. Company, Great, 59, 62. Concrete, 292, 293, 340. Conder, Col., 444, 446. Consecration (See Sanctification), Cook, 256, 335. Copper, 135, Copper City, 350. Core Masonry, 74, 226, 260, 542, 548, 549. Cornelius, 49, 200 Corner-stone, chief, 71, 75, 82. Cotton, Chas. W., 214, 217, 267, 270, 354, 359, 392, 414, 415, 451, Coutelle, Col., 552, Covington, L. Dow., believes that Granite Plug conceals a shaft, 590. callsattention to newspaper notices of work at Gt. Pyr., 433. clearing air-channels, 343, 349. clearing out Desc. Pass., 235. closed Desc. Pass, with iron grilldoor, 237, 283. discovers granite block in Desc. Pass., 554, excavating casing-stones of Gt. Pyr., 223, 273. kindness of, 234. measuring casing-stones, 260. opinion of Arabs, 438. preparing for journey to Copper City, 350, 426. remarks regarding work at Gt. Pyr., 257. standing near casing-stones, 276. supervising fixing of iron pin in Well-shaft, 539. supplies rope-ladder for Wellshaft, 327, 529. Crops in Egypt and Palestine, 457. Cross, Law nailed to, 167, 181. Take up your, 188. Cubit, Pyramid, 19, 490, 589. of Israel and Egypt, 19. Cup drank by Jesus, 169. Customs, 216, 353,

Cyrus, 38.

Dark Ages, 158.

Darkness, 339.

Dark Sayings of our Lord, 232. Date of:

beginning and end of Daniel's 70 symbolical weeks, 157, 158.

beginning and end of Times of the Gentiles, 155.

birth of Jesus, 118, 127.

building of Gt. Pyr., 98.

commencement of removing casing-stones of Gt. Pyr., 84.

Covington’s excavation of row of nineteen casing-stones at north base of Gt. Pyr., 225.

death of Ali Gabri (Alee Dobree), 222.

death of Christ. p. 96, 1, 2.

death of Prof. C, Piazzi Smyth, 222.

destruction of Christendom, 159.

destruction of Jerusalem by Roman army, 68.

discovery of air-channels of Queen’s Ch., 593.

discovery of casing-stones at north base of Gt. Pyr., 85.

discovery of lower Entrance of 2nd Pyr,, 250.

discovery of lowermost Ch. of Constr., 110.

discovery of socket-foundations of Gt. Pyr., 82.

discovery of Subt. Ch. and lower end of Well-shaft, 241.

discovery of upper Chs. of Constr., 111.

discovery of upper Entrance of 2nd Pyr., 250.

discovery of upper passages and chambers of Gt. Pyr., 98, 312.

earthquake, which cracked ceilings of King's Ch., 115.

forced entry into Gt. Pyr., 98.

Day, of judgment, 64, 65, 399, 449.

symbolized in Gt, Pyr., 21, 23.

David, city of, 422.

King, 37, 380. street, 361, 423. tomb of, 421.

Davison, Mr., 110, 241, 545. Death (See Hades),

abolished, 121.

condition of those who sacrifice unto, 189.

curse of, passed upon Adam, 32.

death-doomed body, 167.

evidence of, in Valley of Jehoshaphat, 401.

immersed into Christ's, 193.

Jesus could not be holden of, 125.

Jesus raised from, 169.

of Christ, indicated by North wall of Gr. Gallery, 127.

of wicked, contrasted with that of the saints, 192,