The great pyramid passages and chambers


Pyramid, Great (continued), Pyramids (continued), Ramps (continued),

occupies finest site on Gizeh hill, 401.

of Divine origin, 4, 389.

only Pyr. which has upper system, 514, 523.

only Pyr. which possesses airchannels, 342.

only the one Entrance to, 522.

originally closed by stone door, 231.

originally covered with casingstones, 230, 504.

peculiar shape of top-stone, 75.

position of, 1, 12-14, note p. 199.

position of Entrance of, 90, 229.

referred to in Bible, 82.

relation to earth's axis, 20.

size in comparison with Sphinx.

first, south of Gizeh group, 509adds number of, in Egypt, 10, 514.

of Abu Roash, 254.

of Aburis and Sakkara, very ruinous, 512.

of Dashur, 231, 517, note p. 280.

of Egypt, all copies of Gt. Pyr., $14.

of Egypt (other than Gt. Pyr.) built as monumental sepulchres, 483, 523.

of Gizeh, clearly visible from tramway car, 336.

of Gizeh, forcibly entered, 250.

of Mexico, Assyria, etc, not true Pyrs., 402, 403.

distance between, 203.

East Ramp, 535.

holes in, 581.

symbolize Grace of God, 185, 187. 205-209, 581.

West Ramp, 531-534.

in Chambers of Tombs of the Kings, 407-409.

Ransom, 53, 124, 138, 173, 181, 182,


cause of stumbling to the Jews, 183.

at peace with God through faith in the, 185.

centre or hub of plan of salvation, 184.

Rebates on Granite Leaf, 489, 490,


232, 521, 524. size of, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 525. socket-foundations of, 82, 273.

Quarry, 74, 75. Quarry-marks, 74, 113, 117. Queen's Chamber, 102, 588.

Recess, in Subt. Ch., 300. on west side of Small Hor. Pass., 92, 303, 304, 310, 572.

squaring the circle in, 18. stones at the summit of, thrown down, 99. symbolizes distance of earth from sun, 22. theories held with regard to, 2. time employed in building, 3. top-stone of, must itself be a Pyr., 73. top-stone of, symbolizes the sun, ZA 23; type of the new creation, 82, 383. unit of measure of, 19. upper passages and chambers of, first discovered, 97,98, 313, 332, 514, 547. Pyramid, Second, Entrance Passages of, 250. granite casing-stones of, 248. lower Entrance Pass. of, covered, 228, 250. Portcullis of lower Entrance of, 581. position of, 12. remnant of casing at summit of, 248. rock-levelling for erection of, 252. thought to have connection with Gt. Pyr., 546, upper Entrance of, originally closed by stone door, 251. upper Entrance Pass. of, covered, 250. Pyramid, Third, casing-stones of, 254, 255. chasm in north side of, 252, passages of, 253. position of, 12. sarcophagus of, 253. seems as large as Gt. Pyr., when viewed from the south, 525. steps in, 253, Pyramids, difficult to judge relative sizes of, 525. entirely peculiar to Egypt, 402.



air-channels of, 141-143, 349, 593595. floor produced to intersect floor of First Ascen. Pass., 126.

joints on walls of, 596,

seven sided, 172, 136.

symbolizes plane of human perfection, 121, 136-138, 141-143, 175, p. 71.

symbolizes plane of justification, 163.

Quinine, 427. Quoted, Caviglia, 558,

Davison, 241.

Forbes, Rev. John, 470.

Greaves, Prof., 338.

Mackeague, Capt. John, note p. 200.

Manetho, 4, 6.

Mitchell, Prof. O. M., 24.

Petrie, Prof. Flinders, 74, 86, 286, 338, 401, 403, 501. 504, 561, 563, note p. 251.

Petrocchi, poet, 1.

Pliny, 547.

Russell, Charles T., 88, 131-133, 141-143, 156, note p. 200.

Seiss, Dr., 82, 129.

Smyth, Prof. C. Piazzi, 13, 18, 23, 25, 338, 461, 469, 484, 577, 593.

Strabo, 231.

Taylor, John, 6.

Thomson, Rev. Andrew, 2, 3.

Vyse, Col. Howard, 86, 112, 224, 242, 252, 521, 522, 523, 526, 527, 543, 577, notes pp. 251, 280.

Rachel, tomb of, 378.

Railway, line between and Jaffa, 359, 456.

terminus at Jerusalem, 360, 454.

Rain, 235, 243, 246, 293, 343, 428, 456.

Ramps, description of, 104-106, 186, 329, 581.


Reformation, 156.

of Israel, 157, 159. of Spiritual Israel, 159,

Reign with Christ, 196.

Reis, 220, 234, 236, 335.

Remnant of Jewish nation, 182. Restitution, Times of, 63, 136, 141,


now in beginning of, 502.

symbolized by terminal portion of Hor. Pass., 171.

those who lose grace of God in Gospel Age shall share the blessing of, 188.

Resurrection, and the Life, 453.

believed to take place in V. of Jehoshaphat, 399. Christ's, suggested by Well-mouth, 18

first, 62, 193, 196.

north wall of Gr. Gallery indicate date of Christ's, 127.

of the spirit-begotten, 178.

partakers of Christ's, 193.

symbolized by entrance King's Ch., 196.

symbolized by Zechariah’s tomb, 401.


Revolution (See French), Robinson's Arch, 395. Rock, levelled at north front of Gt.

Pyr., 2272 -levelling before erection of 2nd Pyr., 252. of Mount Moriah, 447, 448. on which Gt. Pyr., is built, 549. -part of Descending Pass., 549. -part of Well-shaft, 548, 54). Rome, Empire, 156, 454. Roof (See Ceiling). Rope (See Ladder), 327. Rubbish mounds at base of Gt. Pyr., 84, 85, 275, 339, 340, 527. Russell, Charles T., (See Quoted), 8, 135, 155, 171, 177, 211, 595.