The great pyramid passages and chambers

Sabbath, Mohammedans’, 438. Sacrifice, 189. joint-, with Christ, 200. make a covenant by, 189. present your bodies a living, 192. when a Sacrifice becomes a living, 191. Sahara Desert, 350, 437. Saints, precious are the death of, 192. to judge the world, 40. Sakkara Pyramids, 109, 505, 512. casing-stones and Temple of one of the, 515, 516. Salt, 584, 596. Mr., 543, Sanctification, path of faith-justification leads one to, 187. symbolized by Ante-Ch., 121, 178, 189. symbolized by Gr. Gallery, p. 96. Sanctified, symbolized by Ante- Ch., p. 92. symbolized by Gr, Gallery, p. 96. Sanctuary, Holy, 52, 195, p. 93. Sand, -foundation, 551. -hills, 472, 473. Sarcophagus, 108, 253, 483, 507, 508, 313; Satan, to be destroyed, 67. to be let loose, 68. workmanship of, 83. Saws, 500, 501. Sayd, waiter, 310, 326, 335, 347, 431, 436, 564, 599. Scarabs, 506. Schicks, Dr., 417, 418, 422, 447. Schoenecke, Mrs., 417, 418. School, -master, 180. of Christ, 121, 178, 191, p. 92. Scientific knowledge, 3, 502. Scored lines on walls of Desc. Pass., 337. Scotland, 326, 339, 574. Scriptural, references to head-stone, pp. 43, 44. reference to Gt. Pyr., 82. Scripture Studies, 211, 221, 266, 450, 455, 491, 587. Season, 258, 355, 412, 471. Second death, 70. Seed of Abraham, the true, 43, 44, S¥h; Seiss, Dr., 27, 82, 129, note p. 199. Sepulchral apartment, in Gt. Pyr., 111, 112. pit, 298. Serpent, 33, 34. Seventy, weeks of Daniel, 39, 43, 157-159. years’ desolation, 38, 157, Shadow, cast by Pyrs., 437, of good things to come, 163. Shaft (See Well), in rock-hewn tombs, 441. in Subt. Ch., 93, 296, 297, 299, in Tombs of the Kings, 407-409.


Shaft (continued), in Trial Passages, 520, 590, 591. sunk in search of Gt. Pyr. casing-

stones, 275. up to topmost Ch. of Constr., 112.

Sheep class, 68-70.

Shem, 5.

Shepherd Kings, 4-6.

Siloam, 397, 398.

Simon, a tanner, 357. the leper, 453.

Skull, 249, 446.

Small Horizontal Passage, 92. difficult to creep through, 284. general description of, 302. junction with Desc. Pass., 289-291. symbolism of, 159, p. 77.

Smoke, 494, 495.

Smith, Geo. Adam, 422.

Smyth, Prof. C. Piazzi, (See Quoted), 7, 82. 212, 213, 222, 254, 285, 287, 298, 337, 343, 440, 470, 490, 493, 519, 532, 547, 589, 600.

Socket-foundations, 15, 25, 82, 273.

Sodom, 34, 39.

Soil in Palestine and Egypt, 456, 457.

Solomon, 37.

Temple of, 74, 418.

South wall of Gr. Gallery, 107, 474.

Sphinx, 12, 232, 519, 521, 524, 546.

Spirit, -begotten, 54, 57. symbolized by Ante-Ch., 178, 191,

193, 194, p. 92. -born, symbolized by King's Ch., 178, 195, p. 93. first to receive the Holy, 200. graces of the, 206-209. walking after the, 191, 201.

Stanley Edgar, 214, 265, 267, 279, 300, 326, 341, 360, 365, 368, 391, 413, 425, 459.

Star, 24, 247, 280, 281, 382.

Step in Gr. Gallery, 106, 474.

symbolism of, 187, 205.

Step Pyramid of Sakkara, 512.

Steps in 3rd Pyr., 253.

Stewart, Bro., 246.

Stone of stumbling, 75, 77, 78.

Strabo, 231.

Subterranean Chamber, clearing out debris in, 235, 277,

295, 296. general description of, 299-301. last look ronnd in, 572. position of, 92, 145. size of, 294, 299. south passage 305, 306. symbolizes destruction, Gehenna, Ibe ie et, UPD poy Th temperature in, 323. undressed knob of rock in, 301. uncovering west wall of, 295. vertical shaft in, 93, 296, 297, 299, walls, ceiling and floor of, 145, 294-296, 302.

109, 186,

from, 93, 295,

Suez Canal, 218. Summit, of Gt. Pyr., 99, 281, 437, 438, 574. of 2nd Pyr., 248. Sun, distance from earth, 22, 24. sometimes obscured by clouds, 246, 428. Sykes, Rev., 414. Symbolisms of Gt. Pyr., 128-130, 592.

Tabernacle of the wilderness, 135, 177, 389, 418.

Holy of the, symbolized by the Ante-Ch., p. 92.

Most Holy of the, symbolized by the King’s Ch., p. 93.

Tares, 61, 68.

Taylor, John, 4-7, 18.

Tea, afternoon, 310, 311, 431, 564, 572.

Temperature, 259, 264, 280, 319, 322, 323, 428.

Temple, foundation of first Pyr.’s, which lies south of the Gizeh Pyrs., 509.

foundation of 2nd Pyr.’s, 248, 249.

foundation of 3rd Pyr.’s, 249, 255.

found to be connected with most of the Pyrs., 518.

Granite, near Sphinx, 519.

Herod's, 373, 418.

Solomon's, 372, 389, 418.

Temple Area, Jerusalem, 404, 417, 422, 447, 449.

Tents, bade farewell to our, 598.

changed into new, 256.

Mr. Covington’'s, 234, 472.

not removed from their position during absence in Palestine, 330, 425.

of Cairo business people, 472.

of lady doctor, 256.

permission to erect, 234, 472.

sitting in newly erected, 245, 246.

Thomson, Rev., 415, 451.

Rev. Andrew, 2.

Threshing-floor, 219, 405.

Titus, 454.

Tombs, Apis, 507, 508.

Campbell's, 298.

Col. Howard Vyse’s search for supposed secret tomb-chamber below Gt. Pyr., 228, 297, 298.

Garden, 446.

of David, 421.

of Lazarus, 453.

of the Kings, 406-409, 445.

on west side of Gt. Pyr., 441.

Rachel's, 378.

used by Prof, C. Piazzi Smyth, 440.

Zechariah's, St. James’, Absalom's, 399-404,

Tramway car, 245, 336, 440.

Transverse Plates (See Girdles), 461.

Traveller (See Visitor).

Treading the corn, 359, 405.