The great pyramid passages and chambers

positions in the Great Pyramid where granite (represented in the Plate by crossed line shading) is used for constructive purposes are the Ante-Chamber, the King’s Chamber, and the five spaces above the King’s Chamber named by Col. Howard Vyse the ‘Chambers of Construction ’—Pars, 110-115. This would indicate that these chambers symbolize spiritual and Divine things or beings, and that all other parts of the interior of the Great Pyramid, with the exception of the Granite Plug, symbolize human things or beings.

136 Immortality, or the Divine nature, the highest of all spirit natures, is symbolized by the King’s Chamber, which is built entirely of granite. The Queen’s Chamber, on the other hand, being built entirely of limestone, symbolizes the human nature; but inasmuch as it is seven-sided (including the floor and double-inclined roof) it symbolizes that perfection of human nature which will be obtained by all the obedient among men at the end of the ‘‘ Times of Restitution,’ when the will of God will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

137. Another clue to the interpretation that the plane of the Queen’s Chamber signifies the plane of human perfection, the condition in which everlasting life is a possibility, is that the level of its floor is above the summit of the Well. We have seen that the Well symbolizes not only in a particular sense the death and resurrection of Christ, but also in a general sense Hades, the state of death from which there will be an awakening. Accordingly, the level of the Queen’s Chamber indicates that plane of being which is superior to death conditions. This is the plane of the perfect human nature, which enables individuals to obey the perfect Law of God, and, by continuing to obey, to live for ever as human beings. The fact that this plane is only just at the summit of the Well, would indicate that in this condition there is, nevertheless, always the possibility of death, which, however, would ensue only in the event of disobedience; whereas the plane of the King’s Chamber which is high above the level of the summit of the Well, indicates the plane of being (immortality) in which death is an impossibility.

138 Again, an important proof that the level of the Queen's Chamber represents eternal life on the human plane, is that access to it is gained either by the First Ascending Passage, or by the Well, both of which symbolize means of access to earthly life-rights.

(1) The First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Law Covenant, which did not offer spiritual life and blessings nor a heavenly inheritance, but eternal life on the human plane with earthly blessings (Gal. 3:12; Lev. 18:5; Deut.11:1—; 28: 1—); but just as the First Ascending Passage is completely blocked by the Granite Plug, so the Law Covenant as a way to life was blocked by the Divine Law. The Commandment which was ordained to life was found to be unto death, because none could obey itRom. 7:10. Thus throughout the long period of the Law Dispensation, it was fully evidenced that in spite of all the advantages of knowledge and opportunity which were given under the Law Covenant, none of the fallen race could, by his own works, pass from the plane of Adamic condemnation to the plane of eternal life. Much less could any of the Gentiles without the Law satisfy the requirements of justice. Thus the wisdom and righteousness of God, as well as his love, were manifested in the great scheme of salvation through Christ Jesus, which he had planned before the foundation of the world. As all were guilty before God, it was necessary that the Son of God