The great pyramid passages and chambers

should be born as a perfect human being under the Law, and, after proving his right to eternal life on the human plane, surrender this right for ever for the benefit of the human race. It is in harmony with this that, as already shown (Par. 127), the date of the birth of the “‘ man Christ Jesus,” as a perfect human being born under the Law and able to keep it, is indicated in the Great Pyramid at the upper end of the First Ascending Passage, and on the same level as the floor of the Queen’s Chamber. What Christ gained by keeping the Law was earthly life-rights, and it was these which he surrendered for the world’s sake. ‘ The man Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all”; “My flesh I will give for the life of the world’—1 Tim. 2:5, 6; John 6:51. Asa reward, and in order that he might be enabled to bless all the families of the earth by giving them the earthly life-rights which he had surrendered, God raised him from the dead and exalted him to the Divine nature and the heavenly inheritance, symbolized in the Great Pyramid by the King’s Chamber.

(2) Thus we see that access to the plane of human perfection is impossible for any of the fallen race by their own works through the Law Covenant, and that the only way to life is through the ransom-sacrifice of Christ. This is symbolized in the Great Pyramid by the fact that the First Ascending Passage is completely blocked by the Granite Plug, and that the only means of access from the Descending Passage to the level of the Queen’s Chamber is by the Well, which, from this point of view, symbolizes the ransom-sacrifice of Christ. During the Millennium, the Israelites, and through them the other nations, will return to their former estate and receive the testimony that the man Christ Jesus, the Mediator between God and men, gave himself a ransom for all1 Tim. 2: 4-6. Thus the ransom is the perfect human life of Jesus sacrificed for all; and the final outcome of the ransom will be the restitution to the whole human race of all that was lost by Adam. But only the obedient will receive eternal life, for “‘ every soul which will not hear [obey] that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people’’ —Acts 3: 19-23. During the Gospel Age those who have ears to hear and who have living faith in the ransom-sacrifice of Christ, are justified by faith, that is to say, they have the earthly life-rights, surrendered by Jesus, imputed to them in advance of the world; but the sole purpose of this justification by faith is that they may sacrifice these earthly life-rights as Jesus did.

139 Access to the King’s Chamber is possible only by the Grand Gallery and the Ante-Chamber. This corroborates the teaching of the Scriptures that access to the heavenly inheritance on the Divine plane is limited to this Gospel Age, and is possible only through justification and sanctification. The Grand Gallery symbolizes the faithjustification of this Age, the condition of those who, through faith in the ransomsacrifice of Christ, have passed from the plane of condemnation, and have had imputed to them the earthly life-rights surrendered by Jesus on their behalf, and through them on behalf of the world. The Ante-Chamber symbolizes the sanctification of the Gospel Age, the condition of those who, having been justified to human life-rights, have responded to the loving invitation of God, and have by faith made a covenant with him to follow in Jesus’ footsteps of sacrifice unto death. These are reckoned by God as no longer in the flesh but in the Spirit, and are prepared through sufferings for the heavenly inheritance, which will be the everlasting possession of Christ and all those of his followers who have been faithful unto death.