The great pyramid passages and chambers

the teaching of the Great Pyramid, for the vertical height of the Grand Gallery is seven times the transverse height of the First Ascending Passage, twenty-eight feet as against four feet. There is no longer any need to stoop.

169 Before passing up the Grand Gallery the traveller must recognize the Well at his feet. As has already been explained, the Well represents “Hades,” the “ deathstate,” and the appearance of an explosion at its mouth represents the resurrection of Christ who thus opened up the new and living way to life and immortality. In this manner the Great Pyramid symbolizes that, before the Israelites could be accepted as partakers of the heavenly calling, it was necessary for them to recognize the love and righteousness of God in giving his only begotten Son as a sacrifice on their behalf, and to recognize also the loving obedience of the Son in drinking the cup which the Father had given him. It symbolizes further that it was necessary for them to believe that God had by his mighty power raised Jesus from the dead and set him at his own right hand on high.

170 Comparatively few, however, took advantage of the grand opportunity thus presented to them. Asa Nation they rejected the offer and were, in consequence, cast off ; and as a Nation, they passed a few years later (70 A.D.) into Hades, the death-state. The few who repented, however, and were baptized for the remission of sins, were justified through faith and had peace with God, and becoming partakers of the high or heavenly calling, and being thus privileged to suffer and die with Christ, they were given the ‘exceeding great and precious promises’ whereby they might become partakers of the Divine nature.


The FIRST ASCENDING PASSAGE symbolizes the Law Covenant and the Law Dispensation by the following features :—

1 The fact that it branches upwards from the ting the plane of condemnation, and the Descending Passage which represents the level of the Queen’s Chamber representing plane of Adamic Condemnation, so sym- the plane of human perfection, symbolizing bolizing the separation of the Jewish nation the typical justification of Israel, during the from Egypt, the world. Law Dispensation.

2 The hardness of the Descending Passage floor 5 Its termination at the level of the Queen's at the entrance of the First Ascending Pas- Chamber, the plane of human perfection, sage, symbolizing the fact that the standing symbolizing the fact that the Law Covenant of the Israelites with God at the exodus promised eternal life on the human plane. from Egypt, was firm and sure. 6 The fact that the Grand Gallery is a continua-

3 The greater head-room at the junction of the tion of it but is essentially different from two passages enabling the traveller to stand it, just as the Gospel Dispensation is in upright, symbolizing the liberty of the point of time a continuation of the Law Israelites from Egyptian bondage, which Dispensation but is essentially different in turn symbolized the future liberty of the from it. Those Jews who lived at the end world from the Adamic curse. of the Law Dispensation and accepted the

4 The position of the First Ascending Passage Messiah, passed into all the privileges of between the Descending Passage represen- the Gospel Dispensation. The nation in