The great pyramid passages and chambers

general, rejecting the Messiah, were rejected posture, symbolizing the fact that the

by the Lord, and in the year 70 A.D. passed Israelites were less degraded than the into Hades, from which they will be awak- Gentiles. ened in due time. 10 Its darkness representing the ignorance of the

7 The Granite Plug blocking all passage at its Israelites regarding the character and purentrance, symbolizing the Divine Law poses of God, except as these were revealed blocking the way of the Law Covenant by the Law and the prophecies, which of life. then shone but dimly.

8 Its low roof necessitating the bowing of head 11 Its slippery floor and its absence of supports, and shoulders, so symbolizing the children representing the fact that the Israelites of Israel bent and groaning under the yoke were under Law and not under Grace. of the Law Covenani, during the period of Their atonement-sacrifices were only typithe Law Dispensation. cal of the better sacrifices to follow.

9 The fact that one who is walking up this pas- 12 The various measurements of its lengths are sage does not require to stoop so low as exactly equal to corresponding periods in when walking down the Descending Pas- the Jewish Dispensation—See Volume II sage because of the resulting difference in of Great Pyramid Passages.


THE Horizontal Passage to the Queen’s Chamber is divided into two parts, the first portion six-sevenths of the total length with a low roof scarcely four feet above the floor, and the terminal portion, one-seventh of the total length, roomier owing to the floor at this part being lower by twenty-one inches. C. T. Russell suggests that the full length of the Horizontal Passage from the north wall of the Grand Gallery to the north wall of the Queen’s Chamber was intended to represent the total period of seven thousand years from the fall of man to the end of the “ Times of Restitution.” From its proximity to the Queen’s Chamber and the fact that there is more head-room at this portion, and also that it is the terminal one-seventh of the entire length of the passage, the roomier portion at the end seems to have been intended to represent the “ Millennium,” the last of the seven thousand-year periods from the date of the fall. The first and longer portion, which is six-sevenths of the total length of the passage, would seem to represent the first six thousand years of the world’s history—Plate XVIII.

172 This first portion, as already stated, is only about four feet from floor to ceiling. It well represents the world groaning under the yoke of sin and death, stumbling in the darkness, and going,—they know not where. We have seen that the Descending Passage represents much the same thing, but there is a difference between the symbolism of the two passages. The Descending Passage, by its downward inclination and its termination at the Pit, is symbolical of the downward course of ‘‘this present evil world” (not the people, but the institutions) toward the destruction which is due to take place by the year 1915 A.D. The Horizontal Passage, on the contrary, by its horizontal course, its position at the level of the summit of the Well, and its termination at the seven-sided Queen's Chamber, symbolizes the course of the world toward Human Perfection. It shows that there is a hope beyond the great ‘* Time of Trouble,” not for the institutions but for the people; for ‘the creature [the world in general| was made subject to vanity [frailty], not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope" Rom. 8 : 20.