The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm, S. 143
numerical representation, but the presence in the House of Industry of members from every economic group.
In addition, adequate representation must be given to Banking, Finance, Insurance, the recognised professions, the Civil Service and the Co-operative Organisation.
It is a question whether the House of Industry should be elected for a given period (say five years), whether each individual member should be elected for five years, or whether the House of Industry should automatically dissolve with the Commons.
Total persons Wage Earners Trade Group. Employed. Employed. Building and Contracting Trades we .. 513,961 476,359 Coal Mines a .. 840,280 826,567 Tron and Steel Factories .. 262,225 248,161 Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering 23 .. 184,557 175,105 Engineering Factories .. 455,561 416,924 Railway Construction .. 241,526 232,736 Clothing and Millinery Factories Ip i .. 440,664 390,863 Boot and Shoe Factories .. 126,564 117,324 Cotton Factories .. .. 572,869 560,478 Woollen and Worsted .. 257,017 247,920 Jute, Linen and Hemp (Great Britain) .. .. 81,703 79,534 Linen and Hemp (Ireland) 71,761 71,311 Printing and Bookbinding 172,677 156,161 Chemicals zs .. 51,088 45,107 China and Earthenware .. 67,870 64,043 Brick and Fireclay .. 63,287 59,880 Bread and Biscuit Factories 110,168 97,724 Cocoa and Confectionery 60,735 54,132 Brewing and Malting .. 85,222 69,249 Timber Factories .. .. 74,564 66,224 Furniture .. a ye GIs 402 83,274 Laundry .. es .. 130,653 I19,863
Gas zs Be .. 83,531 74,967