The necessary revolution in man's thinking after Immanuel Kant

we ourselves hold to be unconditional, This is the true, the courageous and unprejudiced kind of moral action.

Kant’s philosophy has had incalculable effects in every field. With the transcendental critique he has pioneered the way toward a new critical method, of which modern thought must assuredly take good heed if it is to call itself modern. But in my estimation—though perhaps this may be due to professional biasit is, above all, in the human sciences, and especially in anthropology, that Kant’s teaching needs to be acclaimed and applied, albeit in the revised form which takes into account the vital problems of today. Unless we follow where he has led the way, and apply his penetrating methods to the difficulties and perplexities of our time, there seems to be no possibility of finding a way out from the situation of profound crisis in which the whole human race is now involved.