The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


An . ES-U (? Aes bronze or copper ore), BI-KUS, A-KUS or MU-KUS, the latter two suggesting that Ictis or Mictis name applied by the Greeks to the Phoenician tinport at St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, on the Sea of Icht.

There is probably, I think, another reference to this Western Tin-land in a subsequent line of this expanded paragraph. Line 47 of the tablet may be read, with literal translation, as follows :—

U MAD KUS-SA-IA I KI MI-SIR-SU ME “And the country of Ku§&-§a-ia, the captured’ land [beyond] the frontier, (or ““ mud’’) (or Mi-sir, 1.€., Egypt) as ordered.”

This seems possibly to refer to “‘ the Tin-land beyond the Mediterranean "’ as “ The country of the Kussaia or KaS$i people,” as captured by Sargon I., and as lying beyond the frontier of Egypt or ‘‘ Misir.’’ It thus would account for the name “ Cassi-terides”; and Kaé$i is sometimes spelt with uw in cuneiform script.2

The other captured Western land “ beyond the Mediterranean,”’ associat- ed with this Tin-land in Sargon’s tablet is named therein Kaptara, which is usually considered to be the ‘‘ Caphtor”’ of the Philistines, of the Old Testament,? and conjectured to be Crete, as it is called therein an “ island or sea-coast "’ by the Phoenician name “ ai”’ (i.e., the -ay or -ev place-affix in British coastalnames. But the Cretans are held to be the “‘ Chereth-ites ”’ of the Old Testament, which thus excludes C aphtor from being Crete, which, moreover, could not be described as ‘‘ beyond the Mediterranean.’ I venture therefore to suggest that this ‘‘ Kaptara ’”’ is the ancient Phoenician mining-port of Abdara or ‘‘ Abdera’’ in Spain, near the straits of Gibraltar, from which the initial K has latterly dropped out—like the K in “‘ Khatti”’ to form “ Hatti,” in ‘‘ Khallapu ”” to form ‘“‘ Hallab” or “ Allepo,’’ and the G in Gwalia, Gioln, Gwite, etc., to form ‘‘ Wales, Toln, Wight,’’ etc. And the letters ¢ and d are always interchangeable, as we have seen in Tascio, etc. In favour of this dropping of the K in Kaptara through the wear and tear of time, is the fact that since Strabo’s and Ptolemy's day “ Abdara ’’ has now become shortened into ‘‘ Adra.’’ Abdara, as Ptolemy calls it, was a Pheenician silver mining seaport colony founded traditionally by Tyre.4 And the Phcenicians had another ‘‘ Abdera’’ port in Thrace, also with rich silver mines. This Iberian Abdara has many coins bearing its name in Phoenician letters, along with a Sun-temple on the reverse ; and the Roman coins repeat the Sun-temple and the Pheenician script, with the bi-lingual legend ‘‘ Abdera.’’® And although a short distance inside the Straits, it was probably the Kaptara of Sargon’s tablet, and a port of call of his subject Amorite merchants on their way to and from the outer Tin-mines of the Cassiterides of Cornwall about 2750 B.C., before the founding of Gades.

Regarding the tradition that “ giants’ occupied Britain before Brutus, and that “‘ giants ’’ were the builders of the Stone Circle, and megaliths and “ giants’ tombs,” in Britain, Britany, Mauretania, Sardinia, and ‘in other places colonized by the Phoenicians, it is significant that the Mor, Muru, Maruta or ‘‘ Amorites ”” of Syria-~Phcenicia-Palestine are called “ giants ”’ by the Hebrews in their Old Testament. They are, moreover, also called there “ the sons of 4nak (Bext-anak).”? Now “ Anak” in Akkadian is a name for “‘ Tin.” And Tarshish, which, as Tarz or Tarsus, we have seen

* Br. 3979. 2 M.D. 444. 3 Jer. 47. 4. * Strabo, 3. 4. 3. 5 Herodotus 6, 46-7. © A.A.C, 16-17. 7 Numbers 3, 28 f., Josh. 10, 5; 11, 21, ete. * Anuku=“ Tin” also “lead”? M.D. 7o,