The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


of, in Ireland, 94~5, 99, T04f., 123 ; tribe in Alban, 95-7, 103; see Van Ban-bha, n. of Hibernia, or Baptism, Hitto-Sumer Sun-cult rite, non-Judaist, 273f.; introduced into A.B. by Pheenic.

Goths, © 273.

Barat or Barat or Brihat, patronym of Early Aryans and Phoenicians and source of ‘‘ Briton,’’ 1-8, 15, 38, 521., 188f. ; in place-names in Britain, 65, 118, 188-109; in Ireland, 199; n. on Phoenician coins, 9; origin of n., 188, Patronym of Cassis, 53; SyriaPheenicians the chief, 188

Barates, n. on A.B. monument of

, a Syrio-Phoenician, 71-2

Barati, early n. of Britannia as tutelary of Phoenicians, 58f.

Barats or “‘ Brits"’ or “* Brit-ons ” in A.B., 52f., 169i. ; in Carthage, 9: in Cilicia, 54-55; in Italy, 214; in Sardinia, 53; ‘ chosen people of God,”’ 1, 363 ; Pheenics., chief clan of, 188; as Sunworshippers, 202 ; see Briton

Bar-clensis, Phoenic. clan in A.B, 78

Barley, cultivation in A.B. atte. by Phoenics.(?), 155; on A.B. coins, 6, 289, 338f ; on Phoenic. coins, 213f.; and the Corn Spirit in A.B., 338f., 39c¢ ; see Corn

Barrow tombs, lIeng, of Brito-

Pheenics., 204, 224f., 365; see ead-form

Barter trade of Phoenicians, with A.B., xiii :

Barthol Chapel mr. Part-olon’s mon., 19, 81-2

Bartholomew, St., an Aryan Pheenician(?), 82-3; iestival of, in Britain, 82-4

Barton Mere and Bronze Age remains, 193

Basques and the Picts, 118, 154, 374

Bath, fire-temple at, 387; founding

of, about 870 B.c., 387 Beads, blue glazed Pheenic., in A.B.

abt. 1400 B.c., 219-20

Beaker-men, race of, in Britain, 134f., 141, 3605, and see Alpine and Hun

Beards, long, with clean upper lip, of early Aryans and Hitto-Pheenics.,

239, 245, 247

Beirut, or Biruta, Barat port of Pheenicia, 71, 173 ; coins of, with legends as in A.B., 354; relations of, with Brit., 71-3

Bel (or Bil) Father-god of Pheenicians, 2, 13, 32, 42, 61, 267f.; of Sumerians, 267; Fire festival of, in Britain, 263, 269f., 271, 281, 282f.: and John-the-Baptist, 2731., as Jehovah, 268, 276; as Jupiter, 214, 281; inscriptions in A.B., 32f., 356; ‘as personal n in A.B., 42, 89; do. of Pheenicians of Cilicia, Tyre, etc., 42; and see Bil

Belgae, immigr. of, to S. Brit. and Wales, 264

) PES or Summer solstice Fire festival in Britain, 269-71; in Brittany, 269-73; in Ireland, 270; in Pheenicia-Palestine, 290; in Spain, 273 ; on Mav Day, 271 ; n. origin and meaning, 269

Belerium, old n. for Cormmwall, 287

Bennachie Mt., at Phoenic. monument at Newton, 17-19, 39; St Blaze at, 268

Beowulf's Anglo-Saxon, 180

Berouth, Pheenic. n. for Britannia, H.C.P., xlvi

Berth, n. for Perth, ra8

Berytus, Greek n. for Beirut

Beyrout, see Beirut

Bharat, see Barat

Biana, n. of pre-Aryan aborigines of Van, 98, 123-5

Bil, or Bel, Father-god ; cult of, in ACB, 1, 2c&, 46; 2o2f 27s n. and meaning, 267-8; n. in A.B. inscripts., 1, 32f, 350; personal n. in A.B., 42, €9; see Bel

Bili, personal n. of Briton kings, 89

Bird men in A.B. , 362 > in Sumer seals, 253; Sun-in A. Bz 25rt: 5 see Sun-bird

Biridiya (Barat or Brit) personal n. in Syria-Pheenicia, 53

Blaze, St. of Cappadocia, worship of, in Britain, 40, 268; at Bennachie, 40, 208

Bleezes, 40, 268, St., see above

Blue leg, tribe of aborigines, 95, 109; in ireland, 109; re Picts, 117 Boann, matriarch, of R. Boyne, 94 Boats, skin-, cf aborigines, 104 ; and

see Ships