The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps
Aran hoiy isles, off Ireland, Sumer source of n., 65, IGT, 199
Arch, Gothic, in early Scythic
sculptures, 70, 303; Gothoid in |
Hittite, 7o
Archangel Michael, Hitto-Pheenic., in A.B., 246, 341f., see Michael, St.
Argonauts as Phoenician sailors re Early Albion, 359, 406
-lv?, Amorite for Aryan, 257
Arianism of Goths, Hittite origin of, 30T, 303; of Early Christian Church at Tyre and Sidon, 322
Armorica, Amorites in, 216; Phoenician Sun-cult in, 269; megaliths in, 216-7; Sun and Fire worship in, 26; see Mor-
Arran and Holy Isle and Goat Fell, with Stone circles, 197-9, 208
Arreton Downs, Stone Circles and Bronze Age remains in, 357
-lrri, Hitto-Sumer for Aryan race or tribe, 6, Tor, 235, 345f., 361, 394
Arriva, Mede (or Mitani) for Aryan, T4
Art, in A.B., 181-2, 325; Celtic, is Brito-Phoenic., 182; decorative, key patterns, spirals, etc., as Hitto-Pheenic., 182, 249, 285f., 295, 335f.; Egyptian “ New’ as Phoenician with parallels in A.B., 182, 220-1, 335; high, of HittoSumers, 2458. ; Pheenician motives in A.B., 182, 221, 240, 285, 295, 3351., 3471. ; superiority
of A.B. over medieval and Anglo-Saxon, 182 Arthur, legendary king, Gothic
Eddie Heria-Thor, 195, 198, Cadbury camp and trad. of, 400; oven (Fire temp.? ) of, t98; seats of, 196, 198
Arya, Indo-Aryan title of Aryan, 5-8, 12, 132
Aryan, a racial title essentially, vi, 5, 132, 257, 345f., 361; used by Hitto-Pheenic., 6, I4, by Indo-Aryan and Medo-Persians, 8, 14, Meaning of n., 191, 345f.,
257 5
361; n. in Cymric Irish-Scot, etc., 191, 394; physical type of, 134f., 365; Phoenicians of A.
type, 12 ; languages derived from Hitto-Pheenics., 132f. ; Aryan Phoenician script, 26, 33
Aryans, The, origin and cradle-land of, discovered, 8f.; Agriculture established by, 49; ‘‘ chosen people of God,” 11, 324, 363 ; civilizers of world, 11, 324, 363; enter Albion, 142f., 160f.; Hittites, the primitive, 8f., r4—15; intermarriage with aborigines, 363f.; physical type of, 133f., 365; plough invented by, 348; script of, 26f., 33
Asa, Gothic title of God, derived from Sumerian, 240
Asia Minor, homeland of Aryans, formerly called Kur, Kuur or Syria, 22, 305
Astronomical theories of Stonehenge and other Stone Circles, 225f.
Astronomy, proficiency of Early Britons in, 216f.
Aswin, Twin Sun-horsemen of Vedic Aryans on Briton coins, 58-09, 285-6
Aten worship as, Phoenician, 265f.
Atrebates tribe in S. Britain, 213
Att legend on A.B. coins of Catti as Hatt or Hittite, 6, 203
Atte-cotti tribe of N. Britain, 45
Avon, river n., Phoenician, 174
Axe emblem of Catti or Hitt-ite and Saxon in A.B., 320f. ; double in A.B., 320f.
Axe, river n., Trojan, 173f.
Axes, bronze, in A.B., of Hittite type, 183
ay affix of Gothic isle and shore Names, as Phoenician, 43
Baal, Semitic for Sun-god Bil or Bel, 42, 267; Jehovah as, 268, 276; Jupiter as, 244, 281
Babylonia, Cassi or Kassi ruling clan of A.B., in, 49, 201: Pheenicians in Early, 11, 13f.; Sun symbols of, in A.B., 294—-5f.; Tin-mines of, in A.B., 160, 413f.
Bahika, Sanscrit n. for Picts(?), 201
Bairthy, Egyptian n. for Britannia, bof.
Ballymote, key to Ogam script in book of, 22, 74-5, 91
Baltic and Cattegat, Phoenician trade in, 171, 218, 222 Ban, Van or Fene, pre-Briton
aborigines of Brit. Isles and Asia Minor, g1f.; matriarch priestess