The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Cross and St. Michael, 324f., 340f., 360, and see Tascio

St. Patrick, 327-8

Hercules (or Dionysos), 335, 3391., 346f.

,, Lascio, see Tascio

Cross and Sacred Animals in A. 1B, as in Hitto-Pheenic. Eagle, 349; Goat and Deer, 334t, 346f., Goose, 349-50; Hawk and Pheenix, 340f.; Horse, 6, etc., 285f., 339f.; Wolves and Lions, ve 3c8, 334.

Cross, Forms of, in prehistoric A.B., as with Hitto-Sumers, Phcenics. and Trojans, 290f., 294f.; Andrew’s or God Indara’s, 316f. ; Anthony’s, 2909; Cassi, 49, 51, 77, 294f.; Celtic, 294f., etc. ; Hittite origin, 298f.; Corn, 409, 295, 339f.; Egyptian, 250, 293, 314; Fiery, and why so-called,

” ”

oa a

290f., 303f., 350-1, 360; St. George’s, and why so called, 291f., 304f.; Gothic or Runic, 291f.,

298; Grain, or Harvest, 295, 49, 330f.; Greek, 291; High, of Hitto-Sumer and Trojans, 294f., 299; Hittite, 204f., 314; Keypattern, 205, 321; Latin, 2o04f., 299; Maltese, 203f.; Pheenic., 294f.; Red, 290f., 303f., 350-1f. ; Resurrecting, 298f.; Revolving Sumer, 294f.; Swastika, 297f., 316f., 333. Cross, Wood-, of Hitto-Sumer, 255f., 278-9, 2arf., 311, 344f., 412 Emeifix not the True Cross, 2991. Cruithne n. for Briton, 86; misuse for Pict, 86 Cudder (Gadir) Point in Penzance Bay, 172, 200, 207 Culdee n. of Columba's Picts and Celts, 125 Cumber or Cymr = I9g0, 195, 228 Cumber-land, Land of Cumbers, Cymrs or (?) Sumers, 190, 228 Cumber-nauld, 198 Cumbrae Isles, 197, 208 Cunobelin, coins of, 213, 385, as Belinus IIl., 388; as worshipper, 262 Cup and ring marks in A.B., 255-9 Cup markings, prehistoric, in A.B., I5, 236f., 258f., 308; key to script of, 238f., 242-6, 253-8, 261; pravers of A.B. in., 258f.,

miss. to

Sumer (?),

391; sun-


261; on Amorite tablet, 257-8 411-2; on Hitto-Sumer seals, 238f., 308; in Palestine, 223, 260; in Phoenic. graves, 260; on Trojan amulets, 237-8, 254-6; script of, 241f., 258-61 ; as source of A.B. prehistory, 236f. Cymbeline, 143; see Cunobelin Cymry, people of Wales and Cumberland, 190, 1905, 228, 371, = (2) Sumer, or Gomer, and see Cumber Cynewulf’s Anglo-Saxon, 160 Cyprus, Phoenicians in, - 175-8; Pheenic. amulet symbols in, as in A.B., 294, 316, etc. Cyrus, St., as Phoenic. St. 326


Danes, a branch of Britons, 75, 186

Daniel and the Lions in A.B., HittoSumer source of, 334-5, 358

Dartmoor Tin-mines ve Pheenics. and Stone Circles, 218

DaSap Mikal, Phoen. title of Tachab, Michael Corn-Spirit in A.B. xv., 240, 341f., and see Resef.

Da&i, for Tascio or Dias Com Spirit, XV, 338, 354

Daxa, Vedic n. for TaS or Tasc, or Tax, 249, 352-4

Dead, solar orientation of face of, in A.B., 225

Deas, form of n. pies or Tascio on A.B. coins, 339

Deasil, Sumerian site in A.B., 282-3

Death, figured as Dragon, 344; a5 Lion, 331f.; Serpent or Wolf. 331f.; prayers for Resurrection from, in A.B., 259; wolfand lion as emblem of, 308, 334-5

Decorative Pheenic. designsin A.B. and in mod. British art, see Spirals and Key Patterns

Deer sacred in Hitto-Phcenic. as in A.B., 334f.

Demons, worshipped by aborigines, 183; banished by Aryan Cross, 305, 344i.

Diana (or Perathea) form of Pheenic. tutelary Britannia, 45; temple of, on Ludgate Hill, 64, 184

Diarmait, solar hero-of Irish Scots Iog

Dias, n. of Pheenic. area on A.B. coins, xv., 338-4, a 353f 5 on Sumer seals, XV, 35