The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Cluny, Hitto-Phoenician n. var. of Gioln, 72


160, 167-71, 216, 413f.; Tin

A.B. coins in, 335-6

Clyde, Clwydd, Clutha, Cald, river | Corunna and Pheenic. trade with

names, 117, 197

Clytie, w. of Brutus /?) 405

Coins of A.B. with Pheenic. legends, Aesy, 284f.; Ando, 317, 336; Att, 6; Cas, 48, 212; Catti, 6, 212; Inara, 317; Tasci, 212, 339, etc., ctc., with symbols, as in Pheenician coins, 6, 284f., 339%., 346f., 349 ; Circles on, 237; Crosses on, 6, 237, and see Cross ; Hercules on, 347 ; St. Michael on, 3471. ; pellets on, 284; rosettes on, 284f.; Macedonian theory of, 212f., 284; Tin, of Cornwall, 335i.

Col, or Coil, king cf Britons, 185

Coldmm megalithic monument (giant’s tomb), 121

Colonies, British, Briton elements

Sumerian meaning of,

1 377, Colour, complexion ye race in Britain, 133f., 371 Conn-the-hundred-fighter, solar

hero of Irish Scots, 109 = (?) deified solar hero Khanu of Sumers

Cor Gawr, Cymric n. of Stonehenge, 192

Corineus, Pheen. Duke of Cornwall about I100 B.c., 154, 160-70 ; as Homeric Coronos Caineus, 214f., 404f.

Corn, cultivation established by |

Aryans, 49; introd. to A.B. presumably by Pheenics., 170 ear of, on A.B. Catti coins, 6, 213; as on Hitto-Sumer seals and Pheenic. coins, 213-4; as Cross on A.B. coins, 214, 280, 339; assocd. with goat as in Pheenic. coins, 346

Corn Spirit of Hittites worshipped in A.B., 338f., 342f.; Briton represent. of., like Hitto-Pheenic., 3391.,346f. ; Origin of discovered, 340f.; Hittite origin of Dionysos as 339f.; and see Tascio

Cornwall and Cassiterides, Tinmines of Pheenics. in, 160, 2o01f, . Bel-Fire rites at, 281f. + coins of Cilician and Pheenic. type in, 212f., 335f.; Tin-port of Phenic. in., 160, 164f. ; Amorite Tin-land of Sargon I. (about 2800 B.c.), as


Britain, 170 ; and Hercules, 170 Coss-ini tribe in Cornwall, 202 Cotentin port of Brittany, Stone

Circles and Sun-cult of, 103, 216 Cotswold Hills, 4oof.

Cowrie Shells at Stonehenge, 219 Cradle-land of Aryans, Britons, Goths and Hitto-Pheenics., 8, ete.

Craig Narget stone with preChristian Crosses and solar emblems, 15

Cranial form in diff. races, 134.

Creator title of Father-god in HittoSumer, 252, 265

Cremation in A.B. a solar rite, 365

Crescent and Sceptre symbol, meaning of, 355

Cresset stone for sacred Fire production in Britain, 272

Crete colonized and civilized by Phoenicians, 27, 63, 161

Cro-Magnon race, of Aryan type in Wales (Gower), 224-5

Cross, in A.B., pre-Christian of Hitto-Pheenic. origin, 6f., 278, 28of., 294f.; name C. also Sumer, 290, 314; origin and meaning of C. discovered, 290f. ; is invincible Fire-scepire symbol of Sun-god, 250, 262, 290f.; on prehistoric A.B, monuments, 295f.; on A.B. coins, 6, 285, etc.; Ime C. not the Crucifix, 290f.; introd. into Christianity by Goths, 3o1f. ; Resurrection by C. in A.B., 25of.

Cross, as Crucifix, only medieval, 290f., 301f.

Cross as Devil and Death banisher in A.B., as with Hitto-Sumer and Phoenics., 255f., 293f., 303, 3051., 3446.

Cross as Sceptre of Aryan HittoSumer kings, 262, 290 ; and Sunpriests, 278-9

Cross and pre-Israelite temple of Jerusalem, 278

Cross and Resurrection in By 250f., as among Amorites, HittoSumers, Phoenic. and Trojans 255f., 28of.

Cross and St. Andrew, 338f.

Constantine, 300f.

St. George, 291, 304f.

St. John-the-Baptist, 273, 2701.


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