The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Slavonia, Medjumurje, Western Banat of Temershvar, Batka and Baranya in South Hungary. This nation, separated in so many provinces for obvious political reasons, is known under the name of Serbo-Croats and Slovenes. Between the Serbs and the Croats there is no other difference but the difference of religion. The Slovenes speak a dialect of the Serbo-Croat , language, but in view of their small numbers (only 1,300,000 inhabitants) they recognise the whole danger menacing their existence, should they be separated from their kinsmen, and therefore they have become since the beginning of the last century the most fervent apostles of the national union of all the Southern Slavs in one State, whose political constitution and name shall be determined later on by legal representatives of the people, based upon the real interests, wishes and free will of the whole nation.

The reader may gather why Germany, in pushing on her dream of world dominion, was obliged by necessity first to crush Serbia in order to establish firmly her dominion in the Balkans and to break up once and for all the national resistance of the Southern Slavs. It is now obvious that it is not enough for the Allies to beat Germany, but they ought to form a strong barrier against her ambition by forming a living wall of free independent States on the basis of nationality. The Serbo-Croats and Slovenes present to the Allies the best opportunity of