The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe, S. 286


accept their ideal, but with sympathy and loving curiosity will try to understand other nations’ ideal, and to make it more perfect through love and sympathetic interpretation of it. The Southern Slavs will never forget the enormous sacrifices which Russia sustained for their freedom and happiness. They will always recognise in Russia the noble leading sister on the road to the attainment of a higher spiritual and moral ideal which they believe to be the Slay mission to reveal to the world. They will be happy to pay their debt, not by attacking the frontiers of other nations, but by forming a mighty wall against some rejuvenated desire for conquest and domination in the world. The Southern Slavs will eagerly flock to Mother Moscow and Holy Russia. With feelings of profound gratitude they will kneel at the immense cemeteries which contain the hundreds of thousands of unknown heroes who sacrificed their lives for the dignity of Slavdom and the freedom of the world. The Kremlin and the Tower of Ivan the Great will not be the object of their pious pilgrimage, but ‘ with eager curiosity and admiration they will dwell in places like the Artists’ Theatre at Moscow or the Picture Gallery of the Brothers Tretyakoy. And with a deep feeling of devotion and reverence they will go on pilgrimage to Yasnaya Polyana, to breathe in the same atmosphere in which lived and worked the great prophet of Russia in order to be strengthened in his teaching of love and patient suffering. 270