The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


wish to dominate them as vassals of the Germans and of the Hapsburg dynasty, accepted the bribes, and had they refused their support, it is very doubtful whether Europe would ever have undergone such a fearful crisis as the present one.

Germany, having made of the Magyars and the Hapsburg dynasty her obedient tools, pushed Austria-Hungary into her fatal onrush to the East. She was perfectly aware that the Austrian advance would arouse less suspicion in Europe and therefore could be more easily achieved. But she was also thoroughly convinced that every new conquest of Austria-Hungary on her way to the East would make the latter weaker, more in need of German protection, and consequently a more subservient weapon in the hand of Germany. She knew very well the military and economic importance of the position occupied by Serbia; Serbia was the key to her whole edifice of a grandiose plan for the domination of the world. All the German efforts in Constantinople and the brilliant situation she had created in Turkey could be made fruitful, or, as Professor Ostwald would say, could be “ organised to yield a maximum output” in the interest of Germany, if she could obtain undisputed command over Serbia and access to Salonica. Proceeding methodically, Germany wished to begin, and to be satisfied for a short time, with the occupation of Serbia. Only after she had organ-