The Vedic fathers of geology

100 Tue Vepic FaTHERs or GEOLOGY.

moreover, considered to be the very region of the Origin of life, or of vitality itself. Because, the river appears to have been thus addressed :सवे विश्वा सरस्वति भ्रिताच्ुषि देव्याम्‌ । ( Rig-Veda. II. 41.17 ) “'() Sarasvati, all life is in thee, who art divine.” Now, this poetic effusion of the Bard does

not seem to be an out-pouring of some hackneyed theme, or a common-place thought, or any meaningless expression, but appears to he an original idea in the researches of geolozy, 25 the poet had apparently hit upon some geological discovery, that vitality had first come into play in the region of the river Sarasvat?. This idea, therefore, being of great moment, and practically of primary importance, I beg to giv the translation of the verse, as rendered into English by Oriental and Occidental scholars of note.

“ All life isin thee the goddess, O Sarasyati.” Rig-Veda Il. 41. 17. (S. P. Pandit ).

“Tn thee, Sarasvati, divine, all generations have their stay.” ( R. T. H. Grithth )

“Tn thee, Sarasvati, who art divine, all existences are collected.” (H. H. Wilson )

The import speaks for itself, and to all intents and purposes, as also from the previous