The Vedic fathers of geology

Tne Reelin or THE ORIGIN 07 1.78. 101

context (vide Rig-Veda II. 41.16., ante p. 99). and the Vedic researches in geology (pp. 12-24), it conveys the idea that the river ‘Sarasvati was Supposed, from the geological point of view, to be the scene of vitality and the region where life had jirst eommenced after the Earth cooled down, as the: verse says that, ‘all life, or generations, or existences, are in the river Sarasvati.’ For, it seems from the keen investigations in geology, continued during the Vedic period ( ante pp. 12-22), that the Rishis had probably come across some fossils in the beds and regions of the river ; and as these were considered to be the earliest life-types, it was naturally thought that vitality had its origin in that region, and that, therefore, the very source of life was considered to be in the river itself ( विश्वा सरस्वापि धितायूषि देव्याम्‌ । १. ए. 1. 41.17. ).

Let us, however, turn for a while to modern investigations in the matter, and see whether there is any foundation for the Vedic supposition in respect of the origin of life having been in the region of the river Sarasvati, or thereabouts. There is hardly any doubt that the most ancient life-types are found, as observed hereafter ( vide next p. 102 ), in A’ryavarta or Northern India, and even Western geologists bear testimony to, and throw their weight of