The Vedic fathers of geology

110 Tue Vepic Faraers or Gronocy.

Geological ideas and conceptions throw considerable ight on the state of Geological Science, during the hoary Rig-Vediec Period.

Sir Charles Lyell, the great authority in Geology, makes mention of the Devonian Flora, viz. of the remains ‘of marine plants or fucoids” (vide pp. 349, 344. Manual of Elementary Geology. Fourth Revised Edition. 1852 ) Dr. David Page refers to the Silurian Flora and says that, “ The Silurian Flora, ...consists chiefly of alge or marine plants.” (Advanced TextBook of Geology. Edition 1861. p, 160). In the same manner, Dr. James D. Dana, the great American Geologist, and Silliman Professor of Geology and Natural History, in Tale College, refers sea-weeds and plants to the Silurian Epoch (p. 395), and fossil plants to the CoalHira (p. 332). He even goes further by observing that, “ The earliest land-plants were the highest of the Cryptogams...The vegetable kingdom began with the lowest of its tribes, the Algz, or sea-weeds, and probably with the lowest of sea-weeds, as far back as the Azoic Age,” P, 396. (Manual of Geology, 1863. By James D. Dana, L. L. D. ). Professor Judd also recoonises Ordovician ( Siluro-Cambrian ) Flora, and says that, “ Among these (examples of

- true alow ) must probably be classed the curious