The Vedic fathers of geology

‘Tar Patmozoic Krocu. 111

Caleareous alge ( Giruanella, gc. )”... (The Student’s Lyell. Edited by John W. Judd, C.B LL.D. EF. B.S. 1896. p. 411). While, from the observations of Dr. Noetling, it seems that even pre-Cambrian life, and fossils of older age than the Lowest Cambrian or Vimdhyan (विध्यकालीन), are found in the North-West-India. ( Student’s Lyell, by Judd. p. 438. Ed. 1896. )

IT may here observe in passing, while noticing and following our ancient geological traces, that the Vedic and Puranic Rishis had probably classified the Indian Geological Epochs in their own way, by finding out and connoting roughly, the prominent life-types of each Geological Period, and naming the Geological Eras by these names. or instance, it was discovered by our Vedic Rishis, while making geological Researches, that the Paleozoic Era had commenced with vitalitv, in the order of appearing first, in herbs or plants (at sts: gatarat R. V. X. 97.1; पएथिव्या ओषधयः। तै ० उ° 2-2 ) and then in the fish, all be it microscopic, including trilobites &c. . This Geological Era, therefore, was said to 6 116 ओषाधि-मत्स्य-काल, better known as the First-Incarnation (#aTtaatt) in the Puranic times, as religion first entered into everything Hindu, not to say even in their Science ( vide ante p. 14,107). The vitality in herbs and jish, which connoted the Palaeozoic Era, was followed by the Crawling or Reptile Lifethe Mesozoic Epoch-which haying been best represented, according to the notions of our fore-