The Vedic fathers of geology

112 Tue Vepic Fatuers or GEOLOGY.

fathers by #4 or Tortoise, it was called the walaate or the Tortoise-Incarnation. This “Age of Reptiles” ox the Mesozoic Era was succeeded by the Age of Mammals, or the Tertiary ( otherwise called Cainozoic) Epoch; and the prominent life-types of this period, according to the Vedic and Puranic theory, having been supposed to be the mammals of the following kind, wz. atte ( the Boar ), ate ( the Man-Lion or the link between Man and Beast, as already noted (pp. 88 @ 90), धात वासन (the Dwarf-Man ), the Epochs were called after these names, and the lifetypes representing the Epochs were considered to be incarnations (vide Details in Statements Nos. Il, IM, IV, and subsequent explanations )

The Proterozoic and Palzozoic Period. STATEMENT No. II.

The Vedic Texts and | English Translation Authorities. thereof. | | |

९(अ) या जषधीः पूर्वां जाता 1 (@) ‘‘Herbs that sprang देवेभयच्तरिखगं धरा । up in time of eld three = £ सल i a) ages (that is three 70605)

( क. वे. ९०-९७-१). | €द्ा]1@ 61429 € Gods.”

(Griffith). (जा) पथिव्या ञशदधंयः। (¢) Herbs that appeared BS x ~ : ध (तै. उ. २.५.) ० Barth, ( after it cooled down ).

(Taitt. Upanishad. IJ. 1).

1 I may here remark that Gods are but men endowed with superior qualities, And as a writer, Mr. Charles Caliowsy, M. A. D.Sc., has also observed, while speaking about “ The Unity of the Gods”, that «<the Gods were but portions of our |uman nature.”