The Vedic fathers of geology

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अनादादिव संसारे... ! ( पंचदशी. ९-९९ ). ( Pancha Dashi. I. 59 )

Besides, some Rishis (sages) of the Upanishad period declare that, “ That which is, ( that is the Universe ), has been so, from the beginning of time ॥

सदेव सोम्यदमग्र आसीत्‌ । ( छां ° उ० ६-२-२९) (-Chhéndogyopanishad. VI. 2. 1 )

Now, let us for a while turn our attention to the West, and see what the Occidental geologists have to say in respect of the matter. Dr. David Page of the Geological Society asserts that, “in all times past, the same kind of agencies operated on, and modified the rock-materials

of the globe. That then, as now, the world had its oceans and continents, its seas and islands, its lakes and rivers, ...... the plains

and hills” ...-... ( Advanced Text-Book of Geology. By Dr. David Page. Edition 15 56 p. 275 ). Hutton, in like manner, writes that, ““ We find no yestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.’

Sir Charle: Lyell also contends that, “ there are certainly no geological proofs that the granite which constitutes the foundation of so much o