The Vedic fathers of geology


the Harth’s crust was ever at once in a state of universal fusion.” (Elements of Geology. Sixth Hd. p. 90).

However, the thirst for knowledge makes us dive deep, and peep into the mysteries of the unknown past; and as the arguments from analogy, in favour and support of a beginning, remain, in the opinion of some Geologists, unassailable and unshaken, the researches become attractive in the extreme. (reologists, therefore, while engaged in these interesting pursuits and the fascinating love of labour, have been compelled, by the evidence of solid facts, derived from the study of the Harth’s crust and its rock-formations, to entertain the hypothesis that the globe has ~ gradually cooled down froma state of molten incandescence to its present temperature ” ( vide David Page’s Geology. p. 277. Ed. 1856), admitting, however, the fact that science is silent, not to say defective, in respect of direct evidence, though circumstantial evidence goes far enough to sustain the belief of gradual refrigeration and consequent introduction of life at the stage compatible with its existence.

In the same way, the great Leibnitz argued that the whole planet ( the,Earth ) was once in a state of lquifaction by heat or igneous fusionWhile at present, four different views have been