The Vedic fathers of geology

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Grorocican RuesuttTs ComMPARED. 129

‘Vedic and Puranic geologists (4 aUeet Healsarqasaad | T. B. 1. 1.3. 6; HATHA es ACES वपुरास्थितः। ४. ?. 1. 4).

And here, by the bye, IT may be allowed to observe, that the oldest known fossil-fish, older than the Bone-bed of the upper Ludlow formations, was found in 1859 by 01 be Gao:, at Church Hill, in Shropshire, with fossil-shells of the Lower Ludlow or Upper-Silurian group. Moreover, in the Laurentian rocks also, was found an organic body 111859, by Sir W. Logan. This was examined by Dr. Dawson of Montreal in 1864 by means of microscope, and he detected in it a distinet structure of Rhizopod, which was supposed to be the oldest of the known organic remains, and therefore said to be of great antiquity. (Vide Lyell’s Elements of Geology 1. 279. Sixth Edition ; David Page’s TextBook of Geology, p. 279. Ed. 1856). ॥ however, as remarked by Lapworth, the organic structure called Eozoon or the Dawn animal of Canada is discredited by most geologists, and the preponderance of scientific opimion has long been in favour of regarding it as a peculia mineral structure, imitative of the organic ( vide Lapworth’s Text-Book of Geology, p. 182 Edition 1899 ), then the Pre-Cambrian fossils o North-West India, observed by Dr. Noetling