The Vedic fathers of geology

CHAPTER V. An Episode of the Glacial Period, & The Subsequent Quaternary Era.

The preceding chapters will bring into prominent relief, and sive the reader some idea of, the fact that our Vedic fore-fathers had knowledge of, and were acquainted with, the elements of Geology and the principal rockformations. Of course, it has to be admitted, and the fact cannot be gainsaid, that no systematic works nor any treatises appear to have been written on the subject. At any rate, not even one is found at the present day. Yet, there appear side-lights and the scattered rays of truth in the Vedic Literature, which amply prove the copious resources of our Vedic fathers in Geology, while their stray utterances in the matter, when duly connected, give us but a harmonious whole, and present their marvellous fertility of mind in unusual bright colours

However, the geological lmowledge of our Vedic fathers was, in the very nature of things, and as should be expected, very limited. Consequently, we have been able to obtain only a bird’s eye-view of the geological past, as depict-