The Vedic fathers of geology


‘preserve me; 1 should save thee.’ ( Manu enquired ), “ From what wilt thou save me ?” (The fish replied), ‘ A flood shall sweep away all these creatures; from it I will rescue thee.’ (Manu asked ), ‘ How (shall ) thy preservation (be effected) ?? The fish said, ‘So long as we are small, we are in great peril. For, fish swallows fish.’ Therefore, ‘ thou shalt preserve me first ina jar. WhenI grow too large for the jar, then thou shalt dig a trench and preserve me in that. When I grow too large for the trench, then thou shalt carry me away to the ocean. T shall then be beyond the reach of danger.’ Straitway, he became a large fish ; for, he waxes to the utmost. ( He said ), ‘ Now, in such and such year, ( which, however, was not definitely specified ), the flood will come. Thou shalt, therefore construct a ship, and resort to me. When the flood rises, thou shalt embark in the ship, and I shall deliver thee from it.’ Having thus preserved the fish, Manu, carried him away to the sea. Then, im the same year, which the fish had enjoined, he constructed a ship and resorted to him. When the flood rose, Manu embarked in the ship. The fish swam towards him. He fastened the cable of the ship to the horn of the fish. By this means, he hastened (and got) to this Northern Mountain.”