The Vedic fathers of geology

144 Tue Vepic Fatuers or GEoLoGy.

Manu refers to this verse, and almost paraphrases it. But, in doing so, he happily gives us a direct clue to its real import, or possible original meaning. JI shall, therefore, quote the same, along with its translation, as rendered into English by Muir, and explain the same later on,

कलिः प्रप्त भवति स जाप्रडद्वापरं युस्‌ । कर्मस्वभ्युयतखखेता विचरंस्तु कृतं युगम्‌ ॥ (सहस्परतिः ९.३०२).

“While asleep, he is the Kali ; walking, he is the Dvadpara age ; intent upon action, he is the Treté; moving about, he is the Krita.” (Muir’s Original Sanskrit Texts, Vol. I. p. 49. Note. Second Edition )

We have seen that the Deluge or the socalled Ice-Age was a great catastrophe, as it destroyed our prosperous colonies and well populated tracts in the Arctic regions, and forced us to abandon them forever, and wander in search of lands free from the direful frost, asalso ice and snow that buried beneath them. enormous country, and extensive tracts of land.. Such of us, however, as had great love for our Mother Country-A rydvarta, had never forgotten it. Nay, they had always considered it as their Primitive cradle and the Aryan Home, and had ever remembered it with fondness that was. simply unique ( pp. 74, 75, 76). They there--