The Vedic fathers of geology

EptIsopE oF THE GrACIAL Pertop, 143

The deluge, therefore, in the Shatapatha Brahmana is the same as the winter-frost of the Avesta, and both these evidently refer to the Pleistocene or Glacial Period, which lasted for a considerable time (pp. 84, 85), and was followed by the Quaternary Era.

Now, the ice Age and the Quaternary Era appear to have been divided by our Vedic Geologists into Krita (a), Treté (चेता ), Dwdpara (giat), and Kali (#f), of which, therefore, requisite details would be given presently, as they are very important and interesting. In the meanwhile, however, I shall give an extract from the Aitareya Brahmana, where, for the first time, mention is made of the four Yugas, and then notice in brief the nature of the changes, brought about by the advent of the Great Ice Age.

कटिः ङायानो भवति संजिहानस्त॒ द्वापरः । उत्तिष्ठंेता भवति क्रतं संपद्यते चरन्‌ ॥ (lata Tier” ७-१५ ). Muir translates the verse as follows :| “ A man while lying is the Kali ; moving himself, he is the Dyapara; rising, he is the Treté ; walking, he becomes the Krita.” (0, S, Texts. Vol. I. p, 48. Second Edition ),