The Vedic fathers of geology

146 Tuer Vepic Faturrs or Gronocy.

game.” (Vide Dr. Haug’s translation of Ait. Br. Vol. IL p. 464. Note. Ed. 1863 )

But, it seems that the passage in question refers to the picture, that presented itself after the advent of the Great Ice Age or the Pleistocene Epoch, and depicts in glowing colours the state of our Arctic Colonies subsequent to and during the catastrophe. I shall, therefore, revert to it, and endeayour to explain the same in detail, as the Vedic text has but an important bearmg on the present chapter, from the stand-point of Geology.

I would first literally translate the passage thus :-—“ Kali islying ; Dvdpara is abandoning; Tretia is standing up; and Arita is wandering.” Now, viewing in this light the. criginal text, we shall try our best to explain what it means. After the hard _ winter made its appearance, and frost began to conyert our once genial and habitable Arctic Colonies into thick sheets of ice, extending for miles together, our ancestors living in those northern regions, had a very hard and distressing time of it, and having been overtaken unawares, they were naturally at their wit’s end, and had no remedy left except to abandon these colonies, and take shelter for protection from this impending danger, in such tracts as were