The Vedic fathers of geology

148 ‘Tae Vepic Fatuers oF Gronoecy.

Britain, Italy, Greece, &c., and even distinguished one of these settlements by calling it A’ryaLand or Vreland ; while the senior branch, the Tranian A’ryans settled in Iran (modern Persia), and the Indo-A’ryans—the oldest of the stockhastened and returned home to A ryavarta, by way of the Himalaya——called the Northern Moun{4090 (उत्तरं गिरि, ante pp. 63, 72 @77, 82 @ 84), and lay and rested there ( कलिः शयानो भवति ) This, therefore, was the beginning of the Quaternary Age, or Kali Yuga.

Now, the fact that when after the Great Deluge or the Arctic Catastrophe, caused by the incessant and heavy floods of Ice, our ancestor Manu thought of sailing to the South, from our Arctic Colonies, owimg to the thick sheets of Snow and Ice that were fast covering the Arctic regions as also the higher latitudes, he had in his memory the aforesaid Himalaya or the Northern Mountain ( waraat Tika), meaning thereby the mountain to the north of A’ rydvarta, where he and hisfore-fathers, nay the Primitive Ancestors, were born, had lived, and seen from their childhood the great Mountain-Wall to the north of the Land of their birth, proves, beyond, all manner of doubt, that we (Aryans) did not at first belong to the Arctic Regions, nor to Europe, nor to the Central Asiatic Plateaux, but had