The Vedic fathers of geology


gone there from AryAvarta—-Owr Home and Cradle—for purposes of Colonisation and spreading our A’ryan Civilization oyer the Globe. For, had Manu never seen A’ryAvarta or the Great Himalayan Mountain to the north of the land before, rather than have called the highest wall to the north “ the Northern Mountain,” he would certainly have termed it the Southern Mountain, as evidently it lay to the South of the Arctic Regions, or even Europe, and the Central Asiatic Plateawx, from where, it has been erroneously supposed by some, that we ( Indo-A’ryans ), for the jirst time, immigrated into, not returned - to, the Land of the Renowned Seyen Rivers. IE, therefore, under the circumstances, the stwupendous wall was still designated and called the Northern Mountain, it follows that it was to the north of the Land of our birth, and thus indicates a faint reminiscence and an ancient relic of an older order of things, or at any rate manifests a dim memory of our Original Home in A’ryavarta, to the north of which the Himalayan Mountain is situate, and owing to which fact, it was named the Northern Mountain, whose protection and refuge was sought by the Fish for the sake of Manu, by means of a ship, of which the cable was fastened to its horn (a4 tara: पां प्रतिमोच । तेन एतनुत्तरं भिरिमधिदुकाद