The Vedic fathers of geology

Tum A’ryan CRADLE IN A’RyavarTa. 152

Oriain of the A’ryas. By Isaac Taylor. p. 39.Second Edition). But, A’rydvarta has only beew the place where Sanskrit language has been. spoken from time immemorial, as has been proved and said by Max Muller ( What can India teach us ? pp. 78, 79, 80. Ed. 1883 ); whereas,. Roth says, that of the two sources, wz. the Vedic and the Avestic, “ the Vedic has continued fuller, purer, aud truer to its original character, while the other has become in many ways polluted ”...... (Journal. Germa Oriental Society. 1848. p. 216 ).

Cruiser, a French Savant, writes in unequival language that, “ If there is 4 country om earth which can justly claim the honour of having been the cradle of the human race, or at least the scene of primitive civilization, the successive developments of which carried mto all parts of the ancient world, and even beyond, the blessings of Imowledee which is the second life of man, that country assuredly is India.”

Moreover, M. Louis Jacolliot says :“Tndia is the world’s cradle; thence it is, that the common mother in sending forth her children even to the utmost West, has, in unfading testimony of our origin, bequeathed us the legacy of her language, her laws, her morale, her literature, and her religion.”