The Vedic fathers of geology

150 Tue Vepic Fatuers or GEOLOGY.

शातपथव्राह्यणे १--८-१-५), when there was a Great Flood and the Ice had capped the northern. latitudes.

Tn connection with this, and for corroboration of the fact of our Cradle having been in ATyavarta, I may with advantage quote here some noted researchers and great authors OL the West, as that will serve as an unbiased testimony, and be considered as an independent source of evidence.

Says Curzon :—‘‘ From these considerations, it follows that there is not sufficientfoundation for the hypothesis that the ancient A‘ryans, Indians, or Hindus, entered India Proper from some external region. On the contrary, the facts above delineated point to the conclusion that the rise, progress advanced in the arts, and civilization of these remarkable people, are the growth of their own land and communicated to other nations...” ( Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Iveland. Vol. XVE. May 1854. Part II. p. 199 )

Hofer argues that since the most archaic forms of A’ryan speech are preserved in the Rig-Veda and the Avesta, the cradle of the A‘ryans must have been in the region where Sanskrit and Zend were spoken. ( Vide The