The Vedic fathers of geology

154 Tur Vepic Faruers oF Grorocy.

Dr. Noetling had declared to say that, a series of strata containing fossils called Olenellus and various remains of Annelida, &c., was found in North-West India, and in the Salt Range of the Punjab, and that they were really of older age than the Lowest Cambrian, that is, of the Purdna, Vindhyan, Pre-Cambrian, or Algonkian Era. ( Vide aute pp. -02,114; The Student's Lyell. Edited by Judd. p. 438. 1907; The Imperial Gazetteer and the Indian Empire. Vol. I..p. 55, Ed. 1907 ). While, in the Arctic regions, vitality does not seem to have been even of the Ordovician Era, much less of the Cambrian Period, as geologists appear to have noted life in the Arctic regions only from the Silurian Epoch. (Vide Tntermediate TextBook of Geology. By Lapworth. p. 228; Edition 1899. Dr. Dana’s Manual of Geology. p. 206. Edition 1868 )

Further, the theory that the A’ryans migrated from North to South, and as such were immigrants in A'ryavarta or the Land of the Seven Rivers, does not hold water, as “the cases are not sufficiently numerous to indicate any law of migration from North to South ” (vide Medlicott and Blanford’s Manual of Geology. p. xx ), and ‘ the tendency to survival