The Vedic fathers of geology


Marine plants 110.

Max Mutter p. I, U, V.His views on the antiquity of the Vedas 19, 26, and their originality 64.

Mayne, John D.—His opinion in respect of the importance of the Code ofManu9.

Medlicott 102, 153.

Megha 49.

Mesozoic Age (of Reptiles), or Secondary Epoch 22, १1१

. -Epech p, IV, 103, 108,

111, 114, 115.

—Hra 112,

—Period 22

—Reptile 10, 22.

—Tortoise 10, 14, Metaphysics—evolution of

Cosmos in-17,

Mica 96, 120.

Michell 97.

Mineral mutations 17.

Miocene deposits 31, 33, —Era 11,

—Period 32,

—Upper Miocene deposits Miocene-Man-relics of-33. Miechha or Foreigner 36. Mlechha 33, or country of

the foreigners 36.

Molten or liquid state of Earth 8, 9, 10, 13, 14,15) 16, च 19, 20, 87. 95

104, 105, 106, 107, 119, 120, 121, 122, 127, 128.

Monier Williams—Sir

Moro 97,

Motherc ountry—A tyavarta 63, 68, 72, 73, 76, 78° 79, 81, 82, 144.

Mother=Land-A’ry4 varta 62 65, 73.

Mountains out of water or liquid 96, 104, 121, 122.

Mountain Wall 148.

Moujavat Mountain 41.

Mriga 27. (vide Orion),

Muir 44, 119, 136, 143, 144.

Muir's Original Sanskrit Texts 35, 44, 106, 119, 138, 143, 144,

Muniavat mountain 41,

N. Na‘land library—destruction of-p. V, 7. -the great seat of learning in India, p. V. Narbada’ valley 31.

—valley gravels of-containing Shiwalic fossils 31, Naturai religion—Fathers of


Nature-the phenomena of-


(1) the fall of rain,

(2) the splendour of the Dawn, &

(3) the rise of the gun 49, 52. 53.