The Vedic fathers of geology


Pura’nas p. Y. -Antiquity of the-10, 11. -Geological references in the-p. V, 9, 11, Pura’na Era 154. Pura’nic Geologists 88. Pura’nic Geological works or treatises-cause of the absence of-pp. V, VIII, 7. Pura’nic literature 86. Pyrrha 140.

Q. Quaternary Age 148, 156. —Hpoch p. IV, —Hra p. IX, 26, 33, 132, 133, 134, 143, —Period 30, 33, 83, 117, 157. -the period of the RrgVeda extending beyond the Quaternary Epoch, that is, preceding the Great Ice Age and reaching the Tertiary Era 26.

R. Ragozin 45. —His work The Vedic India 45. Rain-the fall of-—Caused by killing Vrétra—Serpent 49,

-the first showers ofobserved by the Primitive Ancestors of our

Ivug.-Vedic Fore-fatheis 50, 56, 57. -the first fall of-or rather

the first observation of, the fall of-50, 52, 57.

-clouds of—50.

-the region where they were seen, and the rainwaters had fallen 51, 52.

-waters in the clouds held

off by force by VritraSerpent, and therefore the latter killed by Indra. 48, 49,50, 51, 52, 58, 59. Ra‘jastha’n. Tod's Denn Rangha’-the river—identified with the Vedic river Ras& -78. Rasa-a Vedic River corrupted into the Zendic Rangha 78. Raspi 97. Ra‘vi-the Vedic river Parushni o1 Iravati 78, Recent Period 134, 157. ( vide Quaternary Era ),


Refrigeration 86, 95. Region-God created-38, -the scene of vitality 101. -of primitive vitality 102. -where life had first commenced 101, and had originated 192, 103. -where the most ancient life-types are found 101.

Repositories of knowledgeour ancient fore-fathers 01“

Reptile life-types 115.