The Vedic fathers of geology


(2) The Orion, 27, 28, -His views in regard to the antiquity of the Vedas 19, 26, 27, 28, 135, 141. Tishya Star 27, 28. Tod-Colonel-His historical work The Annals of Rajasthan p. V. Tortoise 18, 88, 115. —Mesozoic-14. Transition-use of the term94. -formation 94. Treta (Yuga or Age) 143, 144, 145, 146, 156. Trias 115. । Trilobites-life in 87, 108, 111, 128. Tropics 153.

छ. Upanishads-Geological references in the-12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 89, 124, 127. ~Taittiriya-15, 58, 105, 111, 112, 115, 127, 128, 130. -Nrisimha Purva T. Upanishad 89, 116. -Chhandogyopanishad 124, -Approximate date of the-26. Ushas-( the Dawn )-Creation of the—by Indra 52, 53, 55 Ushas disappearing in the Sun, in the region of the river Vipash of A‘ryavarta 55, 56.

Ustanvaiti-Zend Gatha 79.


Vaivasvata 142.

Vajra (@=) 40, 47, 48 ( vide Thunderbolt )

Vandalism p. V, VIII, 7. Vara ( enclosure ) 142.

Va’yu Purdna—Geological references in-10.

Vedas p, V, VI.

-—narration of the Deluge story in the-141, and Vedic works 135.

-unassailable evidence in respect of the advent of the Great Ice Age in the156, Vedic acquaintance with Geology p. III, VIII. —Knowledge of Geology

2. III, 4, 5, 6, 23, 98,102, 103, 121, 132.

-ancestors 68, 117, 121.

—A’ryaus 6,

—evidence (as also Avestic, foreign, and geological ), in support of the A’ryan Cradle in A’ryavarta 155.

—exegetist 123,

-fathers p. VIII, IX, 4, 132, 135

—fathers of geology 126.

-fore-fathers p. III, 91 १1१ 1.91

-geologists 88, 115, 156.

-geology 156, 157.