Towards democracy


396 Towards Democracy

people, for purity of love, unashamed, unshackled, creating its own law—and yet love is everywhere shamed and shackled and impure; H

When the Electric Tension in every direction, owing to this separation of polarities, is becoming so great that the luminous spark, the lightning, the vital flash, has become | inevitable ;

Then at last, not to be mistaken, the outline and draft of the new creature appears—

The soul that soon shall knit the growing limbs glides in.

A new conception of Life—yet ancient as creation (since indeed, properly speaking, there is no other)— : The life of the Heart, the life of friendship and attachment:

Society forming freely everywhere round this—knit together by this, rather than by the old Cash-nexus:

The love and pride of race, of clan, of family, the free sacrifice of life for these, the commemoration of these in grand works and deeds ;

The dedication of Humanity, the wider embrace that > passes all barriers of class and race ;

And the innumerable personal affection in all its forms— _

These, and a proud beautiful sane utterance and enduring expression of them, first; and the other things to follow.

The love of men for each other—so tender, heroic,

constant ; That has come all down the ages, in every clime, in every '
