Towards democracy

A Mightier than Mammon 397

Always so true, so well assured af eels overleaping barriers of age, of rank, of distance,

Flag of the camp of Freedom;

The love of women for each other—so rapt, intense, so confiding-close, so burning-passionate,

To unheard deeds of sacrifice, of darng and devotion, prompting ;

And (not less) the love of men for women, and of wonien for men—on a newer greater scale than it has hitherto been conceived ;

Grand, free and equal—gracious yet ever incommensurable— The soul of Comradeship glides in.

The young heir goes to inspect the works of one of his tenants ;

[Once more the king’s son loves the shepherd lad ;]

In the shed the fireman is shovelling coal into the boiler furnace. He is neither specially handsome nor specially intelligent, yet when he turns, from under his dark lids rimmed with coal-dust shoots something so human, so loving: near, it makes the other tremble.

They only speak a few words, and lo! underneath all the differences of class and speech, of muscle and manhood, their souls are knit together.

The Cinghalese cooly comes on board a merchant vessel at Colombo, every day for a week or more, to do some bits of cleaning,