Towards democracy

456 Towards Democracy

And the smell of the earth—and I like the warm smell of the horses. L

Jeannie goes in the furrow, and Rob on the fallow: they go very steady ;

And when the ground is soft-like, it’s good enough going, | but when it’s stiff it stretches your arms a bit:

Lord! it does make you sweat!

Tue JacKDAw

HORE! chork! The white sea-cliff, the crawling waves, the fringe of | weed between, : Midway a cleft, in the rock—from aboye, from below,


Chork! chork!

The sun alone looks in where my. nest is; the moon | shines in the blinking eyes of my children.

Sweet is the warm night nestling all together, sweet the : dawn by the fresh air fanned,

Sweet to arise and soar into the blue weather—to see the): brown fields and pastures inland!

To sail inland, a dozen together, to the feeding grounds, , and unearth the fat white slugs, (chork! chork!)

Yo roam and range with the others—how sweet !—and f yet not with them,

Forgetting never