Towards democracy

By the Mersey 457

My own particular cleft in the rock and the tuft of sea] poppies beside it—like yellow flames burning—

And the red wide throats of my chicks as they catch my i black shadow upon them, returning.


] WATCHED the sunlight on the river Mersey—all glorious with sailing clouds and shadows—and sailing

> craft and steamers on the tide—a stirring sight!

And heard the clang and clamor of Liverpool behind me ;

And saw in front the crowded ferry-boats crossing, and a gulls in clusters swooping down for garbage;

[Two steps on the green water with webbed feet—and up gagain, their full beaks raised in air!]

And the great Atlantic liner lay at the landing-stage, dtowering up, a mighty wall of iron, full thirty feet, oyer the ihttle people who rushed to and fro below, completing the last shipments and farewells.

For eyen now the gong sounded in the ship’s interior ; sand all was ready:

every rope in place;

The shrouds and stays were taut on mast and spar;

Two slender wires, Marcont’s, at the stern, ran sloping 5down from mizen-truck to wheel-house,

Ready to catch (far out at sea) a faint thrill from the dhome-land.

The little tug’s towing-cable strained too at the monster dbut still four mighty hawsers held her fast;