Towards democracy

482 Towards Democracy

Which progresses indeed to its final chord, yet the conclusion of the whole is not in the final chord, but in that which runs beneath and inspires the entire web—in that which from first to last the whole complex succession of chords and phrases indicates :

Realising this,

Realising—thus for a moment withdrawn—that there is no need to hurry, no need to dash against the bars ;

But that Time itself rushing on with amazing swiftness in its vast and endless round, with suns and systems, ages and geologic epochs, races and tribes of beings, mineral, vegetable, animal, and ethereal, circle beyond circle, infallibly fulfils and gives utterance to the glorious whole:

Like one in the calm that is the centre of a cycloneguarded by the very tornado around—

Undisturbed, yet having access equally to every side,

I drink of the deep well of rest and joy,

And sit with all the gods in Paradise.


HERE is no gap nor any flaw. I establish my base of operations here, you establish yours in distant grounds, a million years back or a million years forward : It makes no difference, Our widening circles inevitably meet and interfuse some
