Towards democracy

Life behind Life 483

Wuen I Loox uvron Your Faces

HILDREN, dear children, when I look upon your faces, Lo! all the hidden griefs, the sorrows and the vain imaginings, The longings, and the desperate struggles and hatreds, The jealousies, angers—and the sudden joys, breaking the heart’s doors openj Pass in dumb show before me. Like figures in a dream I see them there gesticulatingbehind a veil, in silence.

And still you move to your daily ways and works, seeming so unconcemmed—as I to mineAnd still the waves of Time wash down between us, And soon shall wash even you and all your dreams _ Into the void—and mine.

But even so, dear children, I forebode

Deliverance ;

Some better thing than all our dreams and longings:

One Life —and all these images in their strange procession, Its mystic intimation.

Lire Beuinp Lire ‘ X J HAT joys, what strange joys, lurk behind the

actual ! See how great the pleasures of the body, of eating,