Towards democracy

4.96 Towards Democracy

Through Nature moving, as the Sun and Moon

Move through the crystal heaven, self-sent, divine,

Transparent, tameless, more than spirit or matter ;

Dea body, brushing with tny feet the grasses, or resting zutlined by the rocks and sea—

To rest with thee, content, in perfect union,

O in such deep and fathomless joy to rest beside thee,

Thy mate and friend, stricken with doubts no more.

Now once more in thy lungs the winds of heayen—as out there in the forest-branches—nestle ;

The waters flowing in the brooks flow on in crimson tide through artery and vein; and lift the little valye-doors and pass by with whispered secrets from the clouds and hills.

Sweet now the food-fruits pass without corruption inward and outward of the body’s frame;

Clean is the ark and holy chamber of the woman, the serd-vessel of the man;

And clean the body all suffused with passion

Till the right mate arrives.

O Love, with fragrance of whose wine the world is vanquished !

Great Ocean swaying far from atom to atom! sweet aromatic transpiration of the clods!

Diffused vast Life, now here, now there, in definite ightning-flash thy visible work fulfilling!

For this, even for thy habitation, hast thou prepared these bodies.