Towards democracy

To become a Creator 497

And thou, little one, so soon to dissolve into earth and air and sea,

Thy form, my love, I accept—and am no more divided from thee.


HEARD a Voice saying: See now in the end you shall stand Lord of the World.

When those desires which are injurious to others have departed from you—when all desires born of hate ;

When you have become strong to conquer the world, strong to endure and conquer so the hatred and the injuriousness of others ;

When what you will, you will with the whole force of your nature, undivided,

Undivided by fear, conscience, conventions, and the distinctions of self and notself;

Then, lo! all that you wish—all that your heart forms

for an image of its longing all take shape before you ;. You shall create the things which are the fulfilment of your needs ;

There is nothing that shall not be yours.

For this world you see around—these trees, mountains, these high city streets and the myriad faces that pass among them—are not all.these but images?