Towards democracy

498 Towards Democracy

Images, to the Heart of which with restless longing you have indeed so often sought to penetrate.

Say then, if you attain to be ruler of your own thoughts, and of the images which spring from your heart, is it so much that you should be arbiter also of these others, and touch to the Heart they spring from?

For deep down there is, may-be, no differenceAnd when the desires that are born of Hate and Fear and Distrust are gone, there is no difference.

And I said: Am I not my own thoughts, and when these die, shall I not also die?

And the Voice said: Look again—

These thoughts, these images, that pass before you—they pass before You.

Then how can they be Yourself?

Nevertheless it is true that they proceed from you.

They proceed from the Heart, and the mind perceives them.

And so it shall be eternally.

And all This, and all that you see, and all that you think, and all that you experience, is the evidence of Yourself, Yourself coming to you over the ages. Therefore go forth—and be in truth thine own CreatorNo longer in fear and trembling but in kingship and power meeting the mystery of the world; By the pure and beautiful desires which spring within